Back on Sabbatical, and Back in Montréal!

Remember the amazing and whimsical graffiti art in Montréal (like the one below)?  Well, here they are--and here WE are--again!  

Yep, seven years after we were last in Montréal, we are back for another love affair with this French-speaking city with a hip and edgy vibe.   

We realize it's been several years since we last posted, so a quick recap is in order.

We were living in Portland, Oregon, when the coronavirus struck, and we quickly packed up and drove back to Chicago area in March 2020.  Then found ourselves working very intensely, very long hours.  That meant we had less time to travel or bike or hike to fun places.  And also that we had no time to write about any of little things we did have time to do.  Then Will took the opportunity from his company to take another package to leave earlier this year.  

So, perhaps we will be able to revive this blog to document our (once again) sabbatical life? 

For the first jaunt of our summer 2024 trips, we are in Montréal for a week, revisiting sites like the beautiful Old Montréal building pictured at the top of this post.

And eating way too many delectable pastries like the one below, courtesy of a new patisserie which won the award for the Best/Meilleur Croissant de Montréal 2023--and which just happens to be down the block from our Airbnb...

We also need to introduce LuLu, a much younger (5 1/2 years old) sister to Katie (who is now 15 1/2!).  You can see both above.  

And here's another picture of Katie doing what she most loves to do these days (sleep!) and LuLu also in her usual posture (trying to get Katie to play with her).

More later?


  1. Wow! I was hoping to find MONTREAL, Part 2 on this blog, and I was rewarded! Gorgeous photos and you left me craving more! Can't wait to hear about your experience in Montremblant too! Thanks for sharing. I'm enjoying your travels vicariously. Keep 'em coming!

    1. How did you find this post already?! We weren't even thinking about posting here until we did. Yes, we are returning to this blog periodically, so you'll be seeing more! Thanks for checking. :-)


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